Peter and the Starcatcher
Concept/ designer / technical director
In initial conversations, the director and I wanted to focus on creating options for the actors through scenery. We also knew that we wanted to evoke childhood play. The first iteration of this scenic design was going to be set on a playground, but we eventually moved to setting the show in “grandma’s attic” to make use of our trapdoors in the space. By shifting to Grandma’s Attic, we were able to achieve our early goal and create so many more options for a unified look and feel for the show.
original whiteboard sketch featuring Mr. Grin
Kids Explore
Our show began with the kids climbing up into the attic with flashlights. They explore and discover many props that the kids eventually take on for their characters. This culminates in the finding of the Starstuff amulet which begins the show.
Grandma’s attic
We tried to evoke a hodge-podge jumble of old antiques and furniture to create our world. We utilized old steamer trunks for our Star Stuff trunks as well as many random boxes and shelves. The central wardrobe that serves as a focal point was purpose built below the platform and allowed the actors to use it for all manner or levels. We decided against painting to set to help sell an unfinished attic storage space.
Mr. Grin
Mr. Grin was a fun challenge and one of our only moments which created a moment which broke reality for our pretending kids. Our wardrobe opened revealing Grin’s eyes, and then the wardrobe’s doors opened even wider seemingly tearing open to reveal Grin’s smile.
Dublin Jerome High School- May 2023
Directed by Jeff Horst
Technical Direction and Scenic Design by Nick Hahn